Changing the inner chatter, Jenny Westbrook, mixed media, 79 x 94 cm.

View from above. SOLD

Abstract study 1, mixed media, Jenny Westbrook, 51 x 41 cm

Viking blood, SOLD

Abstract study 2, mixed media, Jenny Westbrook, 48 x 58 cm

The woods 2


The woods

Joining the tribe

Yellow mask

Spring 24


Flight £650

Dog days

Another life

Watching you

Untitled 27 £250

Untitled 8 £650

Readjusting £750

Life goes on

Gathering courage

Fortune favours the bold

Moo, £350

Neon rain

Blown away, £650

The treachery of daydreams SOLD

I followed the yellow brick road £180
Latest paintings
SOLD .93 x 93 cm Large mixed media painting on canvas with a plane wood box fame, it has a very flat matt finish protected with artists matt varnish and I feel that I 've got a very good balance between composition, colour and form.